Frequently Asked Questions

How does Acupuncture work?

According to Chinese medicine, the body transmits energy or Qi (Chi) through channels also known as meridians in the body. The unimpeded flow of this energy, along with a balanced Yin & Yang, account for a person’s overall health. There are approximately 350 acupuncture points running along these pathways where the energy flows may be accessed. If needles are inserted into these points with appropriate combinations it is said that the energy flow can be brought back into proper balance.
The meridians, like nerves, are an interconnected pathway that allows the body to communicate with itself and facilitates healing.

Modern research shows that acupuncture stimulates the endocrine system to release hormones and the nervous system to release chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord & brain that can affect overall balance of health and well-being.

For more information about acupuncture and Chinese medicine go to our TCM section.

Do you reuse the Acupuncture needles?

No. All acupuncture needles come from sealed, sterile packaging and are disposed of immediately following use. The number and frequency of treatments depend on several factors. These include how long you have had the problem, the duration and intensity of your present disorder. Your age, constitution, individual circumstances and your desired health goal are all taken into account.

We will inform you of how many visits you might need and develop a treatment plan in your initial consultation.

Is Acupuncture painful?

No. We are well trained in providing gentle and pain-free acupuncture. Babies and children also enjoy and respond well to acupuncture.
For more information on what acupuncture feels like go to our TCM section.

Can I have Acupuncture even if I’m scared of needles?

Yes. We will work with you slowly to ensure that you are both comfortable and as relaxed as possible. It is our goal that you have a positive and memorable experience.

Are treatments claimable?

Acupuncture and Remedial Massage treatments at Bayside Acupuncture are claimable by most private health funds. If your fund accepts acupuncture and massage you will be able to claim on services provided by us. Check with your fund on your level of cover.

Do you have Eftpos and Credit Card facilities?

Yes. We accept Mastercard and Visa credit cards only. No Amex or Diners facility available.

Will acupuncture and or Chinese herbs effect or counteract any of my medications?

At Bayside Acupuncture we are trained to work with your medical team to ensure that the treatment that you receive is both safe and effective. It is essential that you tell us of any medications you are taking.